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Welcome to the Pantry of Practices

Simple, not easy. Practices, not hacks. 


That’s our answer when we’re asked about how we find more ease in our lives by engaging with mindfulness-based practices. 


Simple, not easy because of the conditioning we constantly receive in our modern, Western culture to earn more, own more, and do more. 


Practices, not hacks because the only way to find more ease is to try the practices on, find what fits, and then engage with them daily.  Like physical exercise, you gotta get the reps in if you want to feel different. 


That’s why we’ve created the Pantry of Practices, which we will stock with teachings and guided practices in the form of audio and downloadable content.  Depending on your level of interest and commitment, you have access to the Pantry. 


On this public page, we offer an Introduction to Guided Meditation and 10 Minute Guided Grounding Meditation. 


Members of Thought Kitchen can access additional practices by logging into the Members Area of the website.  Membership is free and sign up is easy.  Create an account by using your email and setting a password. 


What are you waiting for?  We can’t wait to see what you create with the ingredients from the Pantry of Practices! 


Explore Our Kitchen Essentials

Had a taste of something you enjoy? We've got more! Sign up for our free offering, Kitchen Essentials, 7 Ingredients & Practices!

Beginning on the day you enroll in Kitchen Essentials, you’ll receive a daily written teaching, the audio of me reading it, and a downloadable card to support your practice.  By the end of the week, you’ll have the full complement of Kitchen Essentials to support you in exploring all of the practices at Thought Kitchen!

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